Nisha Manek

"Welcome! Here, you will discover the astonishing new paradigm to heal your body, mind, and Spirit. It is my honor to be your guide to realize your healing potential and to awaken to your True Nature."

Dr. Nisha Manek, MD
Dr. Nisha Manek, MD

Dr. Nisha Manek, MD


As a doctor turned bestselling author, speaker,
and health coach Bridging
Science and Spirit

I empower people to unlock their inner potential. Science reveals the profound impact of conscious intention on our reality. You possess this superpower, yet it remains untapped. By mastering intention, you transform your health, relationships, and more. Embrace this journey to live freely and inspire others.

Dr. Nisha Manek

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Bridging Science and Spirit

Bridging Science
and Spirit

Explore the intersection of science and spirituality with Dr. Nisha Manek's groundbreaking book, Bridging Science and Spirit: The Genius of William A. Tiller's Physics and the Promise of Information Medicine.

In Bridging Science and Spirit, you’ll discover:

  • An easy-to-understand overview of William A. Tiller’s most influential work
    • Dr. Bill Tiller's analysis of the body’s subtle energies powerful healing potential are well-known.
    • Tiller made revolutionary discoveries about human intention which can change reality in healing and all material aspects.
  • Seven pillars that support the shared principles of science and spirit
  • An exploration of the levels of consciousness and how they impact your relationship with reality
  • An entertaining mix of history, physics, and spiritual anecdotes, and much, much more!



An elegant description of ground-breaking science

We owe Dr Manek a debt of gratitude. This is a most timely and important book, revealing as it does, the quiet genius of William Tiller and the enormous potential of Information Medicine to empower mankind in the best possible way.

Dr. Patrick Rudden, UK.

A fascinating journey into an area where few dare to tread.

Manek has blurred the line between physics, philosophy, and consciousness and made it readable and understandable.

Randy Horwitz

MD, PhD, FACP, Professor of Medicine, University of Arizona College of Medicine and Medical Director, University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine

Tiller’s target experiments reached into the very essence of human creation, fusing science and Spirit in ways that had never before been reached.

Tiller Physics = Consciousness Inclusive Science

In the late-1990s, in a physics laboratory of Stanford University, California, Dr. William A. Tiller conducted a series of experiments so profound, and with results so revolutionary, their implications can forever impact humanity’s direction and its perception of its place in the Universe.

Like an explorer in a new terrain, a Lewis and Clark of consciousness, Dr. Bill Tiller sends us back the message, “There’s more to us than we think!

Dr. William A. Tiller

Dr. Manek has the curiosity, intelligence, insight, experience, clarity and writing skills to weave this excellent story on these complex subject matters. I recognize that she has succeeded in creating an insightful and understandable map to the terrain of these vast, highly interrelated and important topics related to the nature of humanity and the universe. Thumbs up to her!

Douglas Matzke

PhD, quantum computing engineer

In Bridging Science and Spirit, Dr. Nisha Manek, the internationally recognized leader of integrative medicine, unravels not only core concepts of psychoenergetics but also Tiller’s concept of Information Medicine®.”

Mikhail Kogan

MD, Medical Director, George Washington Center for Integrative Medicine

Making the Science of “Woo-woo” Understandable AND Fun!

Years ago, when I was learning energy psychology as a new psychologist, I eagerly tried reading the recommended tome, Dr. William Tiller’s “Science and Human Transformation.” I quickly found that I was trying to comprehend a language that could have been something from another world—the physics and math were way over my head!

Yet I knew this book held important explanations that what seemed like “woo-woo” was “real.” Intuitively, it seemed that intention was a potent change agent, and often more so than the actual method or technique of treatments. I wanted a way to understand—without having to go back to school to get enough “language credits” to attain even the most basic comprehension of Dr. Tiller’s science.

Finally, along comes Dr. Nisha Manek’s brilliant “translation” of the concepts I knew were important but indecipherable for me. She is a natural teacher, giving you and me a step-by-step journey that is both accessible and fun! Her “Bridging Science and Spirit” provided the passage that allowed me to leave the land of feeling defeated by my ignorance and cross over to feeling excited and enlightened at the ways intention can be scientifically validated!

Dario Paniagua’s wonderful illustrations not only make you smile while reading about some pretty complex stuff, they make the physics seem almost like child’s play. I don’t imagine there are too many science books that use a cartoon of a young child squishing playdough to help you understand concepts of “entropy” and “negentropy.” But you will find that and more in his delightful drawings!

So…if you love “woo” AND you sense that the science of it expands the awe, this book is definitely for you! Dr. Manek has done an impressive job of conveying hardcore concepts in ways that even I can understand. Her enthusiasm is infectious, as she and Dr. Tiller show us that the deeper you dive into Science, the more power you find in Spirit! Yowza!

Becky Carroll, PhD.


Ms. Jackson’s one word take on Bridging Science and Spirit

Myra Jackson

Bridging Science and Spirit is a revolutionary view which bridges a particle to every other ‘God particle,’ from the inside out and from micro to macro. Can atoms of information, in form, inform each other? Is this subtle exchange of ‘bits’ of light revealing the heart of our connected universe? Explore. Dare to rethink what you’ve thought.

Karen Elkins

author, InsideOUT and editor and researcher of Science to Sage magazine

One of the most eye-opening books I’ve read!!!

I cannot put this book down!!! It fundamentally changed the way I look at the world. It opened my eyes to a whole new world that I am dedicating my waking life to study thanks to Dr. Nisha Manek.

An easy read for anyone interested. She makes complex concepts digestible to the simple minded (ME!)

Fahed Sultan

MBA Berkeley, CA.

Dr. Manek reveals compelling new scientific evidence that human intention operates in the quantum field and that intention can impact the health and wellbeing of yourself and others. You will find Bridging Science and Spirit a godsend.

Jeff Genung

President and Co-founder, Contemplative Life

You can’t argue with the evidence

Having battled my way through Tiller’s own writing, this book was a joy to read. Clear explanations in bite – sized pieces suitable for a layperson like myself. Nisha Manek builds up a picture then throws at you the evidence of something fairly mind boggling and important about reality. It confirmed many unexplained experiences I’ve had using healing and having just read it I am prompted to immediately re-read it more slowly to consider the implications of Tiller’s experiments. It certainly offers a new perspective on life, which is urgently needed. Thank you Nisha for making the work so accessible.

Reader in the UK.

A seminal text

Bridging Science and Spirit makes a significant contribution to the discussions of energy healing and its scientific basis. For those who don’t need convincing, it is a revealing and engaging study of the remarkable work of William A. Tiller and his cohorts. Readers will be introduced to the potentially powerful and intimate connection between science and spirit and will learn how Tiller is integrating these forces for the greater good. The author Nisha j. Manek, MD, situates her study in the context of the long history of inquiry into both science and spirit in such a way that the true present-moment significance of Tiller’s work resounds. Manek writes in clear engaging prose that invites the reader into her own process of discovery. The text is organized in short focused chapters that encourage the reader to re-visit for reflection and clarity as the information is not surprisingly complex. The text is accompanied by the art of Dario Paniagua, simple black and white free style drawings that gently underscore the benevolent humanity of the entire project. Bridging Science and Spirit is reminiscent of that much earlier seminal text of similar bridging intent and optimistic spirituality, Vibrational Medicine (1988), in which author Richard Gerber, MD, also refers to William A. Tiller’s work at critical junctures throughout his own wide-ranging and comprehensive view of energy healing. Bridging Science and Spirit belongs in the libraries and the lives of all seekers.

Davida Monk

Associate Professor Emerita, Dance. Canada.

Dr. Nisha Manek


After releasing Bridging Science and Spirit, I received inquiries from three groups: those grateful for clarity on Dr. Tiller's experiments, others reporting successful outcomes, and a third seeking detailed guidance on intention for specific health issues.

To address this, I developed a concise course on intention's power, blending modern science with ancient wisdom, especially beneficial for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.

Dr. Nisha Manek

Are you looking to invite Nisha to speak at your event?

As a doctor with more than twenty-five years in clinical medicine, my mission is to help people find freedom from disease with a Spiritually inclusive science so that they can live a life of their dreams. It matters because I bring truth and integrity back to caring for people and balance the equation without more costly drugs.

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